Tuesday 19 May 2015

Task 3 - New Architecture Photoshoot Planning

In this task, we are asked to research and plan a photoshoot for our new architecture shoot in Leeds. For this photoshoot, we will be using colour film so this means that I should consider the shots and hopefully go for vibrant colours. Also got to consider what the image is trying to communicate which might come tough for new architecture.

New Architecture Example

Here are some places to photograph:

Leeds Trinity
Everyman Cinemas
High Street
Bus Station
Train Station
Leeds College
Queens Arcade
BBC in Leeds
Leeds Art Gallery

With my images, I want it to communicate as a fresh, newly area. I think this would be done when I shoot architecture on the bases of different elements that I've been learning through this project. I want to capture images that have a retro effect because it would make the image modern as old fashion are now being reborn. I imagine the architecture to be brightly coloured and clean so I want my images to reflect upon that new element.

Risk Assessment:

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