Tuesday 19 May 2015

Scanned Negatives - B&W

Here are my scanned negatives for my black and white shoot. Along with my conventional darkroom images, I have scanned these images to do some digital work with Photoshop. These images were taken around Bradford and overall I was proud of my images because they were all exposed correctly and all my shots were well thought referring back to the elements and composition.

These sets of images were focused on Old Architecture. I tried capturing different shots focusing on different features of old building. Having this in mind, I think my images do re-present those elements that would link to old architecture from the materials to the structure.

I would be going more over my images as I go through each experimentation. To evaluate the shoot, I think it wasn't too bad and I managed to get some shots that I could work on. The only thing I could flaw was with my film camera. There was some stains on my camera lens that were hard to remove. So most of my images have this scratch and dust look which required me to clean up on Photoshop. Also, I think it would be good and beneficial if I took more shots but I think in this case, it's okay as we were just in Bradford and I got shots I can work with.

Here is a quick demonstration where I had to clean up my images. I've used Photoshop to get rid of any scratches or dust using the clone tool and the healing tool. I think I will have to do this for all my images unless I want that scratch effect which may collaborate well with old architecture in some cases.

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