Thursday 22 January 2015

Task 1b – Primary Research (Practical)

For this task, we had to develop our research on locations and re-shoot. We had to select 1 inanimate object and visit the same indoors and outdoors locations again and re-shoot making the object fit in.

Contact Prints


Here's an art diptych that shows before and after - in the same location. I really like how 3 of the colours are all included in both images which makes the location fit in. The lighting also seems very equal on both images making it look like its been taken in the same time frame even though it was a day apart. The lantern has been placed and captured in a silhouette effect which brings out the sparkly star on the glass. The yellow window frame also fits with the lantern making it look lit up. I think the silhouette had to be considered because otherwise it would have just made the window the main attraction. The darkness of the lantern actually reveals the shape and makes it stand out from the colourful walls. I think this inanimate object was well suited in the location and just brings colour into the darkness like a contrast.  

For this diptych, i went for a different approach for fashion and focused on the candle in the lantern with these other candles i found in an gallery. The fashion concept isn't about clothes the way my other bit of research was but this is almost like a fashionable world for candles. These little candles are usually used for display so i thought i'd think outside the box to make the location fit in and kind of show the lantern close up to other candles like a display or a fashion icon. The star on the glass was also visible again but isn't as effective as the previous image because the lighting here is bright. It was taken under a mixture of artificial room lights and some windows from what i recall. Another perspective that this diptych could show is how the candle is placed into a lantern, and how i mention that they can be used to be fashionably displayed like they have been on the glass pallet like in the first image.

So considering that we had to make the inanimate object fit in, well i thought of using this location of a gallery to show industrial. The thoughts behind the image was how the location interior was practically empty and the wood above looks like it's being built. So as my object is a lantern, well i made it look as though its been hanged. Now in terms of scale, you can tell it's not been hanged literally but i just thought it works as it's in the centre top. The lighting is a mixture of artificial and natural as you can see some windows and room lights. What i like about this is how the first image has shadows along the wall so it looks dark and the second image with a lantern in the middle has some sort of spot light along the back wall making it look like the lantern is lit up and is being the source of light coincidentally.  

This documentary genre is almost an abstract influenced diptych. I just the image i used from my previous research for documentary and re shot again with the lantern there. This one was hard to fit in as the view of the location is actually a small rooftop so i just had to hold the lantern in front and take an image. But of course there's still connections. This is all natural lighting and the light from the glass is bright enough to shine through the lantern. It just makes it fit in with the whole colour and brings this traditional element to the modern perspective. It's almost, at the slightest like juxtaposition where the two doesn't fit in but they work well together because of the tones and just brings the whole sparkle into the image because of the sparkly stars on the glass.
This image is for my historical genre. It's just showing a bookshelf full of historical books on all subjects on these old-looking, brown shelves. Then i had to re-shoot and placed the lantern in front which does represent the old days where they actually needed to carry a lantern around just for light. So this diptych reminds me of olden days where light wasn't always available the way we have access to electricity. Another perspective that i get from the image is having the lantern there for display just the way the books have been kept. Either way, it's just ideas where the inanimate object can actually fit in the location and i think this helped realise how the object can actually be part of the image not just taken at the same place.

Images were actually of the plane model that i used in the previous task. For this diptych for travel, its based upon the plane itself. The lantern would fit in because its a light source that might be required especially when planes are required a lot of checking up on and requires looking at wires and cables - which in the dark isn't very ideal. So i just thought i would place the lantern near these pokey stuff that imaginatively looks like a planes set up system. The lighting in these images are actually in daylight outdoors so it's not very pleasing when it could have been darker and I could have actually lit the candles up. But unfortunately, that wasn't possible because the lantern was borrowed for my work and it was just an additional idea.

Some Additional Diptychs

This idea behind this diptych is just documenting some light sources. The image on the left shows the light source close up, then its put with a lantern which shows the types of light sources. I like the composition in the left image the way it leads you in the picture. There is a use of depth of field as the foreground is more in focus than the background. The second image includes me using the inanimate object to make it fit in the location. And I think I accomplished that by putting it on top of a light in the same location. It's slightly a contrast because it shows this olden traditional lantern and then you also have the advanced LED lights.

This historical diptych focuses on the clay object with these brown golden look. The clay represents olden times as it used to be used a lot more than nowadays to create art and create other objects. This model here looks like a cracked egg. So I thought of placing the lantern in this to make it look like a holder. This was taken indoors, so there was mainly artificial lighting and some window light which you can see in the background. I think the artificial lighting on top of the classroom has given the lantern a shine, those lighter tones direct your eyes. I like how the clay in the first image contrasts with the colours in the background making it stand out, also because there's a shadow under it giving it a nice 3-D effect. 

This art image was the same image for the first half of research. I chosen the higher contrast image because the dark tones of black fit in with the lantern. The second image is taken without flash because there was lots of light coming from the window alongside with the artificial lights. The object somehow fits in because it's also taken as a close up so the top bit of the lantern is cut off, and the remaining bits show the candle and the windows in good details. If i had a chance to reshoot this, it would be a better image if i removed the white paper in the background which distracts the image. Otherwise the position of the brushes are almost identical, which are both taken on different days with different lighting.
Here is an industrial diptych that has been taken indoors. It was taken using artificial flash which makes the left image look very bright and faded. The second image was also taken with flash also near a window - which actually reflects light on the lantern making it faded. This gives an effect that it's trash because of the lack of colour and it makes it look dirty. The lighting on the soil is different on the second image because placing the lantern there created shadows on the soil. This makes the image focus on the lantern because it's much brighter. The image links with industrial because i was thinking of construction and soil and metal just combine together to create this building site; When in fact, it was taken at an old flowerpot.

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