Thursday 22 January 2015

Holiday Task

Here are some images I've taken over the holiday. The task was to take images based upon location, so i tried my best although most of the times I've been at home. 

Here is an image with a middle eastern theme. I like this Arabic/Moroccan theme with the lamps. I've taken the image at a high angle which focuses on the lamp. The image is dark overall as it's indoors, but i like how there's some colour at the back.

This image was taken in the car from my perspective. I like how the streetlight in the foreground and the trees leads you in to the picture. The sky is nice and bright, which gives this image a cool, cold emotion. Looking at this in a deeper perspective, you can also see how the cars that are far ahead all blurred out which gives it a nice effect as it looks parallel.  

Here's an image taken in Leeds, Trinity. It's taken indoors that leads you outside. I just like how the walls make you look straight ahead. I remember taking this image and I had to keep waiting till there's no people about so it looks better. The composition is really nice when you look at the ceiling and you can see it lead inwards very equally.

I like how this image has rain splats on the window and you can see a rainbow in the background, the colours are very muted and not high in contrast.

This was when it first started to snow. I just thought of capturing it through the window hence why you can see a reflection from the back. 
This image was after the snow was gone. We had a bit of rain and sunshine, i like how i took the images towards the sun. It makes these lens flare appear on the raindrops. There's  also that bokeh effect on the image. I like how there's a nice blue sky and you can see 2 little clouds.

This image was taken at a motorway where there's no streetlights. I like the bokeh lights that comes from the cars. The cars red and white lights kind of sets the location that it's a two way motorway. I like the white, lanes line on the roads that are leading in to the picture.

This is a panoramic shot taken on my phone. There is a double rainbow but only one is very much visible. I think it would have been a nicer image if the cloud was white but we can't exactly change the weather. And the angle is only fixed in that position because it's a rainbow. Beside this, i think i like how clear the rainbow is and it fits with the rule of thirds because it isn't completely in the middle.

Some additional Images

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