Monday 26 January 2015

Additional Research

Location Photography

Location photography is about going to your subject and taking images rather than your subject coming to you. There are various genres of location photography such as:

  • Architecture
  • Urban
  • Rural
  • Industrial
  • Social
  • Still life
  • Fashion
  • Documentary
These genres give you different themes, and there are locations that could fit these themes of genres. Location photography may require some exploring, and some new discoveries. I think that is an important skill that is required to do location photography. It is about finding these genres in different locations and explaining why they are there or how they fit.

This is an example of architecture photography. It's showing these stairs that are all in built in a specific pattern that repeats throughout the image. I quite like the way it's composed on eye level giving it some scale that it's goes quite high up. Normally, architecture will misunderstood to be a building shot outside focusing on the way it's built or how it's constructed but it's not necessarily the case as most things can come under architecture because of it's structure.

Urban is my favourite genre for location photography. This image here is a bokeh light image of the streets. It's got this really street element to urban photography. This image actually reminds me of my image I've taken over the holidays of the motorway lights. Urban photography also doesn't just mean images like this. It can be images that revolve around everyday life and that's perhaps why i think i can relate to it the most. I like the dark and deep element that comes through on urban images.

This is a rural photograph. It has a nice sky view in the background and the front is a silhouette of wheat. This gives it this whole country element that rural is all about. I like the colours of the sky, this does connote that it's been taken while its sunset or sunrise. It's almost like twilight hours with the purpleness. However, i think the image is filtered slightly but i don't think it changes the colour of the sky, just makes it more faded.

This is an industrial image. You can just tell by the clothing, the fire spark and you can almost see railway tracks. I think industrial does actually have a lot more ideas that can come under the genre. It can show industrialization and compare the present to the past. For instance, we used to have more horses on roads back in the days now we have access to petrol for cars. It can relate to our economy and show how things have developed. All these ideas link to how location can make a different to represent industrial.

This image represents social photography. This genre can basically be anything with people. It's a very open genre and you can practically take anything from communication to just a bunch of people. However, the location photography is shown in the sense that the photographer has to shoot the picture somewhere where all the people were at.

Still Life
Still life photography is initially close up photography on inanimate objects. This is the sort of photography our project is. It is about making these objects coming to life in the way we compose the image and how we give it a perspective. Looking at this image, it is a high angle pointing towards a pair of glasses. There is also a crushed paper besides it. I think the high angle makes the glasses vulnerable and the paper is also used for an effect to show how the glasses is treated. Also looks like there's no glass in the frames neither. This looks like the photographer actually came to photograph the subject hence why it's a location photography because it's taken somewhere besides the studio.

This is a fashion genre photograph. The concept of this image is that the subject i.e. the model isn't the one coming to a studio to get her fashion photographs taken. But the location is set outdoors giving it this street look. The location actually helps the way the clothes is represented whether it be streetwear or smartwear. It is all to do with the location.

Documentary photography is documenting something in real life in most cases. This example i have here is an image of a poor child. This is actually based upon reality and the location is a key factor to show this poor kid. If there was no location, it would be just a kid who looks trampy. I think people can judge if the wooden frames weren't actually adding an effect. It almost contrasts with the boy's eye and it brings this sadness because you know it's about poverty. Hence why documentary is a well known genre to show facts based in this world.

Here's some additional images I've taken of my inanimate object based upon locations

Additional Images After Final Ideas
From this additional research, i wanted to do some images of my inanimate object in most of the genres that they fit in. But due to time, i had to just stick to my original idea. However, here are some shots i managed to snap of my egg in the snow and in this urban location. 

Snowy Days

It was such a surprise to see the town get hit with snow. It just meant it's the perfect opportunities to capture some additional images to show a range of locations. I really like how the egg is just sitting on this wooden fence near some snow. It just contrast with all the colours and I've also used the rule of third technique so your eyes instantly look at this egg.

Urban Location

This is an alleyway i came across. I like the light bar on top that goes across. This gives it this urban theme. I think this location fits this urban genre because it's very symmetrical and almost dark (if you just ignore the end of the tunnel) which gives it this street vibe.

This image is in another alleyway. The hard thing about this project is picking an egg as my inanimate object because i'd have to include my hand in some of these shots because there was no where to place it - and of course eggs are really slippery so there was a number of occasions where they'd slip off my hands and crack on the ground. But i do think it still makes a good image just like we did with the diptychs.

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