Thursday 2 October 2014

Final Evaluation

Final Evaluation

In the beginning, we were introduced to our unit based on colours. Then we looked deeper and focused on RGB and CMYK colours that we were working with. During that introduction to the unit, I learned how colours worked with our eyes and how light is a huge factor to consider. Then throughout the project, we were given tasks to complete such as to capture RGB and CMYK.

The first task was making moodboards. The first moodboard was on RGB and we had to college samples from magazines, extra bits of material and the internet. This was a simple task for me however; it was challenging to fill up the A3 page with images so I used pastels to fill the gaps and stuck on additional pictures. In this moodboard, I included my own images. Then we made a second moodboard for CMYK. This was a very challenging task because we had to get images from the library. I had to face problems with not finding some images on the internet so I had to find another image which was time consuming. However, once I got all the images, it was simple to make a digital moodboard. Furthermore, we had to take photos based upon publicity. At the first attempt, I took some images however I didn’t quite understand the subject. I had some images of signs however I wasn’t contempt with my images. So then after a while, I redone the shoot and got some more images which would work with my grid. My main intentions when taking images are composition. That is a reason as to why time is consumed really easily.

Second task was to capture images at the Saltaire trip. We had to capture images of the colours with the same subject. One of the issue I had was with time constrain, so after thinking what I could do, I just took images of colours I see rather than focusing on getting the same subject in each colour. The easiest to capture was the flowers. However, I didn’t want to capture different colour flowers the same way so I focused on using different techniques like depth of field and addressing composition in a unique manner. This seemed beneficial for my grids because I had 3 flower duotones which had different angles and focus. Overall, this trip was successful however the moment of time flew by too quick to really capture the best images.

The third task was split in two halves. Firstly, we had to create duotones with the images we taken. To do this, we had to use Photoshop and change the image to a greyscale at first then select a colour for the duotone. This task taught me how to create a duotone which can be useful in the future. All my duotones were made rather quickly and there was no breaking point in this task. Then we had a second task which was to take still life images of objects. This required me to collect some different colour objects and take close up photography. I think this task run smoothly because I managed to take some pictures of different colours individually. I think a minor problem was with my camera lenses, it would be hard to focus too closely so I had to zoom out till it focused.

Last task was to create the colour grids. This was actually really fun just to fidget with the images and crop it for the chosen selection. We had to use Photoshop to crop the images with different height and weight for both RGB and CMYK grids. Then put all the images together on a new document. Changing the square format was the longest because it would consume time and cause confusion with the sizes. However, it was fairly simple and that was simple. I liked how we had to upload all the tasks to blogger rather than having visual diaries because it’s more efficient and it’s neater.

Overall, my time management was fairly good overly speaking because I managed to complete every task before the deadline. I learned that time management might be a struggle in these units of work we have to produce in the future, just on specific tasks so I need to plan to consume my time efficiently. All the technical work on Photoshop was simple for me and this unit did help me learn a few new outcomes such as duotones. I think this project was successful because I managed to create 2 photo grids and additional grids which all have different approaches of ideas. My images are focused on composition and it represents that quality is better than quantity. Next time I would try to focus more on quantity so I have a choice to choose images.

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