Monday 8 December 2014

Task 3 - Flipbooks

Part 1:
Flipbooks Research

Flipbooks are a series of images or drawings that work together to show movement. You can have a simple flipbook that consists of two different frames that are repetitive so it's ongoing. Or you can go advanced and create one with loads of images or drawings depending on what type of flipbook you make and have that show movement. It might sound really complicated but flipbooks are fun and creative to make.

-Digital flipbooks
Well digital flipbooks also known as a 'GIF' file is a moving image that has been inspired by physical flipbooks. It is a cool way to show movement in quick shots. To do a flipbook based on images, you'd have to take at least 20 or above images to have a flipbook that is rather consistent and shows a lot of movement. To take these images, it would be ideal to use continuous shooting so you can capture something in lots of shots as there's movement of the subject. 

Source A
Source B

I have selected these GIFs because they show how the movement of milk being poured is captured. It has been captured in such a creative way that you can see the black coffee indulging with milk. Source A looks like a video on loop rather than images because it doesn't look like images put together and the milk is spreading really consistently. Source B is based on images, you can see how it's been taken continuously and the milk starts spreading almost from the bottom.

Source C

Tumblr | Living Things | Pinterest
Source D

Here's some other examples of GIFs based upon facial expression. This could be one of my idea. To capture someone's emotions changing through their facial expressions. Source C is a GIF from frozen. You can see her eyes widening and this shocked look on her face. It is on loop and i think that wouldn't require many images. Roughly about 10-15 if you want it to look as consistent as you can. Source D is another similar example and you can see how her eyebrows just rise up and she looks away showing no interest.

Smile | via Tumblr
Source E

This idea is to capture when someone is writing. Source E is an example of how a GIF image would look of someone writing. This would require around 10+ continuous shots so when you pile them together, you can see movement of the pen as its drawing along.

Another idea for my flipbooks is to do with water. I want to capture water continuously in different ways so when I attempt to make a GIF, it would work collaboratively. I want to try and attempt capturing water waves and water splashes. So there's a range of ideas of ideas that could work with water. With this idea, you can range the number of shots so it can be simple or it can be ongoing then loop.

Part 2:
Images & Contact Sheets

Images taken with the group

Additional images taken individually

Now that I have my images that were inspired from my ideas. I am going to make GIF files with my images on:

Part 3:
Digital Flipbooks and Hand-made Flipbook

Here's a GIF of my fellow friend making silly faces, this just was a test to see how GIF files would be generated on the website. I set the speed fast so there's lots of movement.

This GIF actually works really well. The idea is inspired by the whole tumblr generation. It is actually representing a councilor who is dealing with a patient who has a breakdown. 

This GIF is my least favorite. It was suppose to simply show leanne walk up and just loop but i think i selected images without thinking how it would work, but I think it does still show movement of how she is moving.

These GIF are the same but have different speed settings. Just by changing the speed, it changes the effect the image has on the viewer. The first one is very calm and you can see some movements and runs rather smoothly. The second one is more fast paced and feels more dramatic. I thought by making a comparison, it makes one better than the other by the way you prefer it.

Here is another same image at different speeds. Personally, i prefer the bottom one in this case because the movement is fast and you can see exactly how the water rises. Whereas the top image shows movement, in a few gap seconds.

This didn't work very well because the colour of the image changed as i took them. So when i selected these images together, you can see the movement but the colour tone of the images change. However i think this does compare to the rest in how they develop.

These sets of images have worked really well in this GIF format. I like how I've taken this idea from my research and put these images together. As before, I've created two at different paces. I think the bottom one suits this context better because it's about writing so the slight faster pace makes it look more real in terms of movements.

With these sets of images, i think the choice will depend on the person on which pace is better. For me, I think the slower pace on the bottom is better because you can see each step rather than the GIF finishing so quick on the fast pace one.

This GIF worked really well with the images selected and the order because it loops very smoothly, and the image speed is just right. It shows the movement in such an equal pace that it almost looks like a video has been turned into a GIF. 

Here is my final GIF, I think this has worked really well as a GIF because it shows movements and it loops in a way that it all links together. There is no order but just a random selection of different facial expressions that's forever ongoing. 

After creating this GIF, i thought i would make a hand made flipbook using this set of images. That has also turned out really well and flips rather smoothly. I have shortened it so it's just a shocking face so then I had to reverse it to make it longer. Initially it was 12 images then i reversed it to make it 24.

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